Advantages to Having Free Admisson to an Art Museum

The fence over whether entry to Britain museums should exist free for all has arisen again recently, in response to the news that local authority funding cuts (post-obit the summer budget and Comprehensive Spending Review) are probable to cause a wave of admissions charges introduced past museums and galleries all over the state. Commentators from both sides of the party political divide have weighed in with opinions about the rationale for and potential effects of charging for entry on the sustainability of museums, and their business models and visitor profiles.

This is non the outset time this issue has been debated in the Uk printing since universal free access to land-supported museums became office of UK cultural policy in 2001, under the and so Civilization Secretary Chris Smith's stewardship. The policy was questioned six years later, when the shadow secretary, Hugo Swire, suggested that museums and galleries should be allowed the liberty to charge as part of the Conservative manifesto, and the consequence has been a perennial detail in parliamentary debate. Free admission was nonetheless championed as an important audience development tool on the policy'due south 10th anniversary, as visitor numbers in the national museums were seen to rise by over 150% over that time period. As one of the few policy continuities betwixt the former Labour authorities and the Coalition, this was a celebration of muted tones in terms of widening participation but couched in relation of economic benefits through tourism benefits and boosting the U.k. internationally.

The consequence has besides been debated in relation to do elsewhere, investigating the dissimilar policies and their effects in other countries. Hither, policy rationales reverberate national discourses: interestingly, Swedish museums charge equally the practicalities of irresolute the condition quo are accounted impractical. When museums have dropped charges in the past there have been concerns about that this was unfair to other sector which brand upward the artistic and cultural infrastructure, such as cinemas and theatre. In France, the temporary removal of charges allowed policy makers to comport research and inform a partial subsidy for younger visitors only, since the principal effect was increase in repeat visits from the same demographics.

In the UK as well the rationale for band-fencing this class of cultural participation has been challenged. Dominic Lawson questioned why brusque-lived free swimming policy was reversed when the benefits of free museums were mainly felt overseas, with visitor numbers rising highest in terms of strange tourists, simply falling in lower socio-economic groups in the indigenous population from ix to seven.4 per cent of the total in 2011-2012. This, he implied, only confirmed the interest of the coalition government in pandering to the metropolitan arts elite considering it "sounds skillful" (but ignoring the residue of the population).

Currently the arguments for charging include the potential for increased income to meliorate the quality of museums, cross-subsidy for other services museums provide (such equally making art history films) and improve pay to historically over-qualified and under-rewarded museum staff. The biggest problems will not come for the nationals even so but for the smaller local museums. In his provocative response, Jonathan Jones concedes many of these will maintain free admission as they will never attract enough visitors. He also asserts nosotros shouldn't confuse the principle of a mixed economy for museums with the debates concerning the privatisation of the NHS.

On confront value these seem similar sensible arguments to have on board as museums and galleries continue to adjust to the cultural policies of thrift and ready their business models ahead of another series of funding cuts from the centre. However the context of the current fence is more harrowing than in previous years, since it combines these cuts with a prolonged funding bias abroad from the not-metropolitan regions and depleting resources within local authorities to maintain not just museums and galleries simply other public spaces such as libraries and parks. Local authorities, their leisure trusts, commissioned services and cultural partners are scrambling to find ways to plug the gaps and go on assets open.

Sustained investment under New Labour brought almost new methodologies for community outreach, curatorial practices and collections review and direction aimed at widening participation, admission and engagement with museums. The national statistics on cultural participation evidence a significant ascension in museum visiting in the Great britain population over the last decade, suggesting that along with massive investment in museums these practices accept had an event on increasing participation more broadly than the repeat metropolitan elite. Free access allows visitors to adapt their visiting to their needs, to dip in, get back, skim and immerse themselves. Furthermore, enquiry shows that museums and galleries are valuable to communities fifty-fifty when they are not visited. They have an existence value in addition to their use value which tin exist understood in economic terms, every bit demonstrated by the contingent valuation written report of the Bolton Museum, Library and Athenaeum services in 2006 (ironically the same museum Jonathan Jones identified in his provocation as an case of the "under-funded, grubby, unloved museums" that would be helped past admissions charges). The statement that charging, firstly, encourages visitors and, secondly, helps them to value their feel more is clearly problematic in the case of local museums who cannot rely on tourism and who will meet visitor numbers drop as a consequence (potentially damaging other revenue streams which may be more sustainable, such as museum cafés and shops as Poole Museum discovered).

Jonathan Jones is most correct when he states free access "patently reflects a democratic belief in art for all". This belief is simply half the story, since museums are so much more than than art; they are rich sources of cognition and community memories. Providing free access preserves the principle of shared and equal propriety, of museums as commons, equally public good. As others have argued, we all provide for museums' subsidy through our taxes, but ticket prices volition present barriers only to the poor, whilst the rich volition continue to accept their participation subsidised. The response past the architect of this policy, Chris Smith, stated "our public realm is existence impoverished over and over over again at the moment" – the gradual erosion of this principle is 1 more than step towards privatising this public good.


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