How Do You Draw a Verticle Plane

A Geoglyphic Study of The Yonaguni Monolith, Nippon
presented by
The Faram Research Foundation


The Yonaguni Pyramid is located merely off shore on the Due south side of Yonaguni Island. Yonaguni-jima is 1 of the Yaeyama Islands and the westernmost inhabited island of Japan. Information technology is the last of the islands in the Ryukyu Islands chain, and lies 108 kilometers (67 mi) from the east declension of Taiwan, betwixt the Due east China Sea and the Pacific Ocean.

Yonaguni Map Yonaguni Location, East of Taiwan

The isle has an expanse of 28.88 km2 (eleven.fifteen sq mi), a population effectually 1700, an annual mean air temperature of 23.9 �C, and almanac precipitation of 3000 mm. All islands are under jurisdiction of the boondocks of Yonaguni, Yaeyama Gun, Okinawa and there are three towns: Sonai, Kubura and Higawa. It was incorporated under the command of the Ryukyu royal court in 1610.

Cape Irizaki, at the western tip of the island, is the westernmost point of Nippon. Taiwan is said to exist visible from Irizaki on a clear day. It is interesting that the isle is part of the Japanese archipelago and exists more than 640 miles from Kyushu, one of the main islands of Japan, while merely 67 miles East of Tiawan.


During the last water ice age, Yonaguni was part of the Chinese mainland. In the twelfth century, it was incorporated to the Ryukyu Kingdom. In the 17th century, it was incorporated into the Japanese han of Satsuma. Past 1879, the island was formally incorporated into Japan.

Until the early on 20th century, Yonaguni was part of the larger Yaeyama village, which included the neighboring Yaeyama Islands. In 1948, it became an independent village. From 1945 to 1972, it was occupied by the U.s. and was then returned to Nippon to form a role of Okinawa Prefecture.

The Yonaguni Pyramid

In the 1980s, local divers discovered a striking underwater rock germination off the southernmost signal of the island. This and then-called Yonaguni Pyramid has staircase-similar terraces with flat sides and abrupt corners.

In 1985, Kihachiro Aratake, a diver from Nihon, was diving in the waters off the Southern shore of Yonaguni island and discovered something unusual. Upon inspection, it appeared to be a man-fabricated, terraced structure. Believing he had discovered a sunken urban center, Aratake announced his discovery, but in that location was not much involvement. After, in 1996, Professor Masaaki Kimura , a professor at the Academy of the Ryukyus, began to survey the structure. While Kimura maintains that the site is show for an advanced prehistoric culture, others argued that the structure was the effect of natural phenomena. Research in the ensuing years has arrived at a consensus that the construction is indeed a man made monolith carved from a natural formation.

The body of water off Yonaguni is a popular diving location during the winter months due to its large population of hammerhead sharks. In 1987, while looking for a proficient place to discover the sharks, Kihachiro Aratake, a director of the Yonaguni-Cho Tourism Association, noticed some singular seabed formations resembling architectonic structures. Before long there after, a group of scientists directed past Masaaki Kimura of the Academy of the Ryukyus visited the formations. Kimura is a strong advocate of the view that the formations are manmade

The germination has since go a relatively popular attraction for divers, in spite of the strong currents. In 1997, Japanese industrialist Yasuo Watanabe sponsored an informal expedition comprising writers John Anthony West and Graham Hancock, photographer Santha Faiia, geologist Robert Schoch, a few sport divers and instructors, and a shooting crew for British Channel 4 and Discovery Aqueduct. Another notable visitor was freediver Jacques Mayol, who wrote a book on his dives at Yonaguni. A plaque in his award was fixed to the undersea formations after his suicide in 2001.


The Monument consists of medium to very fine sandstones and mudstones deposited about xx million years ago. Most of the significant Yonaguni formations seem to be carved from one underlying rock mass. The apartment parallel faces, sharp edges, the right and precise birdbrained angles of the formation would indicate that the monolith was carved by man.

Other bear witness presented by those who favor the man fabricated include origin point to the ii round holes on the edge of the Triangle Pool feature, and a directly row of smaller holes which take been interpreted as an abandoned attempt to split off a department of the rock past ways of wedges, as in ancient quarries. Kimura believes that he has identified traces of drawings of animals and people engraved on the rocks, including a equus caballus-similar sign that he believes resembles a character from the Kaida script. Some accept as well interpreted a formation on the side of one of the monuments as a crude moai-similar "face".

Supporters of man made origin besides contend that, while many of the features seen at Yonaguni are also seen in natural sandstone formations throughout the earth, the concentration of so many peculiar formations in such a small area is highly unlikely. They besides point to the relative absence of loose blocks on the flat areas of the formation, which would be expected if they were formed solely by natural erosion and fracturing.

If any function of the Monument was deliberately constructed or modified, that must accept happened during the last Ice Age, (10,000 BC) when the ocean level was much lower than information technology is today. During the Ice Historic period, the E China Ocean was a narrow bay opening to the ocean at today's Tokara Gap. The Sea of Nippon was an inland sea and there was no Yellow Ocean; people and animals could walk into the Ryukyu peninsula from the continent. Therefore, Yonaguni was the southern end of a land bridge that connected it to Taiwan, Ryukyu, Japan and Asia. This fact is underscored by a rock pillar in a now-submerged cavern that has been interpreted as a fused stalactite-stalagmite pair, which could simply take been formed above h2o.

The existence of an ancient stoneworking tradition at Yonaguni and other Ryukyu islands is demonstrated past some one-time tombs and several stone vessels of uncertain age. The Yonaguni Monument is important in Graham Hancock's documentary "Quest for the Lost Civilization". The monument was featured on episodes of Ancient Aliens and History's Mysteries both on The History Aqueduct.

In an interview, Prof. Kimura was asked whether the ruins were artificial, and in what time period they were built.

"These are ruins, and to me, the fact has already been proved. The scientific conclusion is that the ruins are indeed bogus (Man made). A school of Japanese marine geologists agreed on this effect. We found that the ruins are at least 6000 years quondam. It could become back some other 4000 years when we consider the length of time before they sank into the water. "

"During the past 10,000 years, the ocean h2o level rose well-nigh 40 meters. From this fact, it is only natural to think that the ancient civilisation is at present deep in water. Drills nosotros use to investigate ruins accept improved recently, then with the help of the latest equipment, we volition take a scientific conclusion on this matter in the near futurity."

Professor Kimura states that even though there is scientific evidence to explicate the ruins, it might be difficult to come to an agreement with the archaeologists, as doing then changes history.


The information gathered for presentation on this website was gathered using the ancient science of Geoglyphology. (Google keyword: Geoglyphology). This aboriginal science was rediscovered by Arthur Faram of the Faram Research Foundation in 2008. The calculations performed on this website require the use of the software called "Google World". Google's software is able to calculate true spherical bearings on a curved surface and and so display them correctly on a flat airplane. In the photos the true curvature is missing and only the endpoints were connected for simplicity. This software tin can be acquired free by searching the net using the keywords "Google World".

Spherical Geometry

In spherical geometry all lines are curved forth the surface and no lines are parallel. Information technology is difficult to grasp the concept that two parallel headings tin cross. That is because we are used to thinking in terms of Plane Geometry on a flat plane. Still, this changes when you depict lines on a sphere. In dealing with a sphere y'all enter the realm of Spherical Geometry.

Spherical Geometry is the study of figures on the surface of a sphere, as opposed to the type of geometry studied in plane geometry or solid geometry. In spherical geometry, directly lines are swell circles, so any 2 lines will meet in two places. In that location are likewise no parallel lines. The angle between ii lines in spherical geometry is the bending between the planes of the corresponding neat circles, and a spherical triangle is defined past its three angles. There is no concept of similar triangles in plane geometry.

In the field of Geoglyphology, we are plotting lines in a spherical earth and and then displaying the results on a flat plane. That is why the field of Geoglyphology could not have been rediscovered without the advent of software that computes using Spherical Geometry while then displaying it on a apartment plane. This type of precise mapping precludes the plotting of these bearings on a apartment map. Maps get distorted when converted from a sphere to a flat map. Any lines that are depicted on a flat non-satellite map, on this website, were get-go plotted using the Google software and then drawn on the apartment map afterward the end points were determined. Even so, the proper curvature is missing.

Glyphs and Geoglyphs

Glyph - A glyph can be any design that is used to convey a bulletin.
Geoglyph - A geoglyph is a glyph that occurs on the ground.
Bearing - A bearing refers to the direction, every bit adamant from a magnetic compass, that a line formed by a geoglyph points in relation to "True Bearings". True Bearings are used because as you begin tracing a magnetic line away from the source, magnetic deviation becomes a factor. Magnetic Deviation exists all over the world and renders magnetic headings useless over long distances because of the mistake it causes in a magnetic heading. True bearings are derived from Angelic Navigation, GPS, and calculator software. These methods produce True Bearings which are non distorted by Magnetic Departure.
Radials - Radials are bearings, converted to a True Course, later on they leave the source. At the source Bearings and Radials are the same considering no distortion has taken place by moving away from the source. Once a management away from the source is plotted it must exist plotted on a true class, not a magnetic course, in guild to avert magnetic deviation.

The Yonaguni Geoglyph
Icon Yonaguni Pyramid - View from above.
Icon The Bearings projected using the angles on the Yonaguni Geoglyph
Endpoints for the radials displayed in the above photo. 005 Caste Radial - Northwest tip of Korean Peninsula
012 Degree Radial - West side of Korea
013 Degree Radial - Northeast corner of the Korean Peninsula
025 Degree Radial - East side of Korea
035 Degree Radial - Southern tip of Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia/Northern tip of the Japanese island string.
039 Caste Radial - Attu Island, Alaska
076 Caste Radial - Hawaiian Islands.
135 Degree Radial - Northern tip of New Caldonia
144 Degree Radial - South Coast of Papua New Republic of guinea
187 Degree Radial - W tip of Sumbawa Island
200 Degree Radial - Southward Coast of Java
231 Degree Radial - The Southern Islands of Sumatra
239 Degree Radial - Banda Aceh, Northern Tip of Sumatra Island
241 Degree Radial - The lost geoglyphs of Fongbin, Taiwan
257 Caste Radial - Southern tip of Burma
283 Degree Radial - The geoglyphs and rock terracing, similar to Yonaguchi, at Nanridao Isle, Red china declension
306 Degree Radial - Bitou Signal, North tip of Taiwan. Both quondam and updated geoglyphs.
315 Degree Radial - The Glyphs at Fushancun, Prc coast. This glyph points to Northwest corner of Korean Peninsula and Fiji.
346 Degree Radial - The many geoglyphs of Zhoushan Island, Communist china coast

The Territory Outlined past the Radials of the Yonaguni Geoglyph

As with so many other geoglyphs around the earth the endpoints circumscribe the boundaries of what appears to be a territory or country claim. After plotting the boundaries circumscribed by the Yonaguni Geoglyph I noticed that the territory looked very familiar. After some enquiry my hunch was rewarded with the information you see in the following map. It is astonishing that the territory outlined by the Yonaguni Geoglyph matches, virtually exactly, with the territory Japan was attempting to occupy in the 2d world state of war. The Yonaguni Geoglyph mimics many other ancient geoglyphs around the world which described similar territories, many of which are still honored to this day. Virtually of geoglyphs in this category originated effectually 8000-10000 BC. Based on initial investigations information technology would seem that some entity awarded various peoples ready boundaries within which they were to grow and prosper. Many other territories are outlined in my recent book "Ancient Signposts' available through What enforces the belief that these were coordinated territories is that fact the ancient territories seldom overlap.

There is some other fact that enforces the concept that the Japanese were attempting to reclaim lost territory. The Japanese actually attacked and occupied Attu Island, on the tip of the Aleution Islands in Alaska, even though it was of no employ to them. Many have wondered to this day why that was done. If they were attempting to restore aboriginal boundaries this would explain that seemingly irrational move. The country was retaken past the U.S. Army in the battle of Attu.

japan land

The Territory Held past Japan during WW2

The Fongbin Taiwan Geoglyphs

While plotting any geoglyph it is our practice to search the destination bespeak for other geoglyphs. There were several establish using the Yonaguni radials, however, the most interesting were two geoglyphs, located together, which seem to exist a precursor to the Yonaguni Geoglyph. The two announced to have been constructed at different periods in time and seem to have much in common with Yonaguni.

These geoglyphs were discovered past following the 241 degree radial from Yonaguni to the coast of Taiwan at a place named Fongbin.


The Lost Geoglyphs of Fongbin Taiwan

As you can see from the listing of radials emanating from the Yonaguni Geoglyph, the 241 radial points to a spot on the Eastward declension of Taiwan known equally Fongbin. In the photo in a higher place you can see that these glyphs, similar Yonaguni, are also covered by h2o. Interestingly enough the Fongbin glyphs appear to circumscribe territories as well. From the islands identified by the Fongbin geoglyphs it appears that they may accept been built earlier than the Yonaguni glyph and therefore describe smaller territories. It is possible that the second Fongbin glyph was made to merits islands discovered after the offset geoglyph was laid down.

Fongbin Geoglyph#ane


Bearings Created by Fongbin Glyph#1


Radial Endpoints of Fongbin Glyph #1

Endpoints for the radials displayed in the to a higher place photo. 035 Degree Radial - North tip of Nippon
043 Caste Radial - South tip of Japan
059 Degree Radial - Okinawan Islands
112 Degree Radial - Samoa
120 Degree Radial - Fiji

Based on our research the blazon of geoglyphs used in glyph #i above are from an before period than the ones used in Glyph#2 which appears next.

Fongbin Geoglyph #2


Ground Reference Points That Comprise Fongbin Glyph #ii


Bearings Generated by Fongbin Glyph #2


Radial Endpoints of Fongbin Glyph #2

Endpoints for the bearings displayed in the above photo. 064 Caste Radial - Okinawa
075 Caste Radial - Hawaii
087 Degree Radial - Wake Island
092 Caste Radial - Kiribati (Christmas Island)
101 Caste Radial - Marshall Islands
110 Degree Radial - Guam
112 Degree Radial - Samoa

The above glyph consists of what is called a glyph array. It consists of a center point surrounded past points through which bearings tin can exist calculated past drawing a line from the centerpoint through the surrounding points. The discovery of the Fongbin geoglyphs, along with the Yonaguni Geoglyph, appears to indicate boosted exploration and expanding territorial boundaries, over fourth dimension, culminating in the larger territory divers by the Yonaguni Geoglyph.

Travel to the Americas

The hypothesis that the Fongbin and Yonaguni geoglyphs prove a progressive expansion toward the Americas is supported by recent finds in the Western and Central Americas. An archaeological squad, consisting of the Universities of Texas A&Thou, The University of Illinois and The University of Minnesota, anounced in Science Magazine, in March 2011, that they had identified the oldest human archaeological site in Northward America at Buttermilk Creek, South of Kileen Texas. The site is confirmed as having been inhabited as far dorsum equally 15,500 years ago (c.xiii,500 BC). To date, the oldest homo remains, in North America, have been found on The Channel Islands in California and appointment back 14,000 years. (c.12,000 BC). This coincides nicely with the dating of the Yonaguni Geoglyph which has been tentatively dated to c.10,000 - 12,000 BC.

Michael Waters, a team leader and director of the Texas A&K Eye for the Report of the First Americans, states that; "If y'all expect at the genetic evidence, the native people in Due north America came from Northeast Asia, then crossed over into the New Globe. Waters also states; "The corridor betwixt the two water ice sheets (Asia and North America) was closed fifteen,000 years agone. The simply option to them is to come by boat in this kind of secondary style, along a littoral route to become into Due north America." This also coincides with the idea that the fact that the Asian people of Yonaguni were sea people, and that the oldest North and South American habitations are beingness found on the West Coasts of those continents.

Waters goes on to say; "Sea levels were lower fifteen,000 years ago, then whatever show (of the migration) would likely be buried under the ocean floor." This statement also coincides with the fact that both the Fongbin and Yonaguni geoglyphs are nether h2o.

Yonaguni Art

The Art Work on the Due north End of the Yonaguni Monolith

Click hither to visit a plausable explaination of the artwork displayed above.
Yonaguni Art

The Notch above the Yonaguni Monolith

The higher up photo shows a notch carved out of the loma right above the Yonaguni Structure. Could this accept been a stairway leading downward to the ceremonial location, or a harbor for a gunkhole that would ferry people to the monument? Obviously this raises many interesting questions, not the least of which is; How did a 10,000 year old civilization know and then much about the human reproductive process and what was the purpose of the ceremony.

This discovery, when studied along side the layout of other monoliths around the world, of the same period and later, presents an interesting hypothesis. They all seem to share certain mutual traits that would atomic number 82 i to believe that they were formalism sites, peradventure fertility rites:

1. None of the ancient geoglyphs show signs of human habitation. In other words, there were no signs of burials, tools or animal basic. This is the example when the site is a formalism site and the users of the site live elsewhere.

two. At or near the sites there appears an change or circular enclosure that could have been used for a ceremony.

3. Many of the alters, or enclosures, appear to take been placed to provide vantage points, and seating, from which others could view the ceremony.

4. Many of the ancient sites are constructed in a fashion which form geoglyphs that announced to outline the boundaries of what may have been an assigned, discovered, or conquered, territory.

5. Of the geoglyphs studied thus far the territorial boundaries do not appear to overlap.

Could this be an extremely advanced aboriginal man culture attempting to repopulate the world after the water ice age? The gradual expansion of the territory represented by the Fongbin and Yonaguni geoglyphs suggest that the monoliths were built over time. One has to ask how they knew the geography of the earth so well, and how they were able to plot courses halfway effectually the globe with the precision of a GPS? A possible respond may be explained past the worldwide, pre-historical, obsession with star divination. It is at present known that man has been traveling the globe for millinnia. It would be self serving to think that over tens of thousands of years mand could not have gained the astrological ability, and geographic information, to map the world with such precision that they could not plot courses and bearings as well equally our current GPS systems.

Of course, there are years of scientific study, in many scientific fields, that this information opens up. Information technology is not the intention of the Faram Foundation to circumvent whatsoever established scientific protocols, but to offer food for thought and word in an expeditious manner exterior the normal, and oftentimes tedious, academic arena. All our work is copyrighted. However, anyone is free to develop our ideas by the stages that are offered in our manufactures in hope that some type of recognition will be given to the originators of the data. Even the information that we offer on our websites is available for broadcast in the media provided proper recognition is given equally to where the information originated.

NOTE: Many people have tried to downplay this fantastic discovery by pointing out that it is made of sandstone which tin can exist flaked off leaving horizontal surfaces. This is truthful and is nigh likely how the ancients made the horizontal surfaces. However, this does bot explicate the perfect xc degree angles and verticle services, nor does it explicate the phalic symbols which always remain subconscious in any presentation.

History of the Yonaguni Pyramid


01. Masaaki Kimura (1991) . "The Continent of Mu was in Ryukyu". Tokuma Shoten.
02. Ancient Discoveries: "Lost Cities of the Deep History Aqueduct"
03. Skematic drawing of the Monument at the Ishigaki, Okinawa city site". Retrieved 2010-07-06.
04. Schematic maps of the Monument at the Alternative Archaeology site". Retrieved 2010-07-06.
05. Doremon360. "3D model of the Monument". Retrieved 2010-07-06.
06. History's Mysteries: "Japan's Mysterious Pyramids" History Channel , ep. #7
07. Yonaguni, Japan". New Scientist (2736). 2009-11-25. http://world wide Retrieved 2010-07-06.
08. Julian Ryall (2007-09-xix). "Japan's Ancient Underwater "Pyramid" Mystifies Scholars".
09. National Geographic News Photograph Gallery: "Asian Atlantis" Shows Strange Construction".
10. Nunn, Patrick D. "Vanished Islands and Hidden Continents of the Pacific", University of Hawaii Printing (15 Aug 2008)ISBN: 978-0824832193 p.127
11. Barot, Trushar, 1998. "Divers find world's oldest building." The Lord's day Times [London], 26 Apr 1998, folio 4.
12. Hancock, Graham, and Santha Faiia, 1998, "Heaven's Mirror: Quest for the Lost Civilisation." London: Michael Joseph.
13. Joseph, Frank, 1997, "Underwater City constitute near Nihon," Ancient American, vol. 3, #17 (March/April 1997), pp. 2-6.
14. Minamiyama, Hiroshi, 1997, "Bottom of the Ocean Ooparts" . Tokyo: Futami Shobo, Publisher. 302 pages. ISBN 4-576-97087-ix. [In Japanese. The Yonaguni Monument and related structures are discussed on pp. eleven-46.]
fifteen. Schoch, Robert M., with Robert Aquinas McNally, 1999, "Voices of the Rocks: A Scientist Looks at Catastrophes and Ancient Civilizations". New York: Harmony, Crown Publishing Group, Random Firm.
16. Y'all Tube link -

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